green wall.


photo: SkandiaMäklarna

As you may know I'm not a big fan of colors, but lately I've noticed that colorful walls are becoming trendy even in nordic style apartments. I call them muted colors and must say that in small quantities they really give the room some mystery and depth, besides that they make the contrast needed in all white rooms. This green wall is a nice example of added wall color done right. Paired with dark textures and in a deep shade of green color it's just perfect. See the entire place here and notice that this is just one wall not the entire place. Another plus with that kind of coloring is that is just one wall so it's not a big project when you'll decide to change it! 

photography | Sara Danielsson

Kot verjetno že veste sama nisem prevelik navdušenec nad barvami, vendar zadnje čase opažam da barvne stene postajajo hip tudi v stanovanjih z nordijskim stilom. Sama sem jih poimenovala kar utišane barve in moram priznati da v majhnih količinah prostorom dodajo nekaj skrivnosti in globine, poleg tega pa naredijo več kot potreben kontrast v belih sobah. Ta zelena stena je lep primer dodane barve na steni, ki je narejena pravilno. V kombinaciji s temnimi teksturami in v odtenku globoke zelene barve je ravno pravšnja. Ogled celotnega stanovanja je tukaj, in če boste pozorni boste videli da je samo ta stena v barvi in ne celotno stanovanje. Dodaten plus s takšnim načinom barvanja je dejstvo da gre za le eno steno in tako to ni velik projekt ko se odločite za drugo barvo!

xo S. 

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