Her jewellry is minimal and everlasting but does not define the style even though it's a statement piece. The shapes of individual pieces are very architectural and rough, but with the combination of right material in this case acrylic in colours of white and clear all pieces seem soft and fragile. Most of all I adore the fact the jewellry is so light I usually forget that I am even wearing it, and we all know how some pieces can be heavy, don't we? (:
Because Lea is such a great girl she decided to giveaway one piece of your choice. So if you would like to get one piece for yourself here is what you need to do.
- Visit LeaEva and pick your favourite piece, then write in the comment why do you like it (don't forget the email so I can contact you).
- Share the picture of choosen piece on your instagram and tag @leaeva & @saosdesign.
- Like the @leaeva & @saosdesign instagram page.
- You got time till 00:00 CET on Sunday, 29th march, 2015.Good luck everyone!
Pred približno mesecem dni sem spoznala prijetno punco Leo iz Sydney-a in ugotovila da oblikuje nakit pod oblikovalsko znamko Lea Eva studio.
Njen nakit je minimalen in večen, vendar ne definira vašega stila čeprav je ''statement'' kos. Oblike posameznega nakita so zelo arhitekturne in grobe, ampak s kombinacijo pravega materiala v tem primeru akrila v beli in prozorni barvi se vsi kosi zdijo mehki in krhki. Najbolj me je navdušilo dejstvo kako lahek je nakit, saj po navadi pozabim da ga nosim in vsi vemo kako so lahko nekateri kosi težki, a ne? (:
Ker je Lea tako super punca se je odločila da podari kos nakita po vaši izbiri. Torej če bi želeli imeti kos zase, tukaj je kaj morate storiti.
- Obiščite LeaEva in izberite sebi najljubši kos, potem pa v komentarju napišite zakaj vam je všeč (ne pozabite na email, kamor vas bom kontaktirala).
- Delite sliko najljubšega kosa na vašem instagramu in označite @leaeva & @saosdesign.
- Všečkajte @leaeva & @saosdesign instagram stran.
- Čas imate do 00:00 CET v nedeljo, 29. marca, 2015.
Veliko sreče vsem!
xo S.
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