LEGO storage box.


photo by: SAOSdesign

At the word Lego everyone thinks of Lego cubes, because in majority we all had them at home as children. Over the years, we of course outgrow this period and run out of time to play with them. For the last year I was searching for this Lego head because I taught it is the perfect box you can input something playful into adult space that will remember you to your childhood. At the beginning it was really difficult because I didn't know where to even begin searching because I've seen it only on the photos on Pinterest. A week ago, I accidentally found out that they are sold in the store Room Copenhagen. If you wanna buy it just email them and you'll get all the information needed. All those who will decide to buy a box, tell me where will you put it and what will you use it for? I have mine in living room on the shelf next to books and I use it for storing small accessories ...

I hope I reminded you of your childhood a bit and brighten up the beginning of a new week.

xo S.

Ob besedi Lego prav vsi pomislimo na lego kocke saj smo jih v večini kot otroci imeli doma. Z leti seveda prerastemo to obdobje in zmanjka tudi časa za igro z njimi. Kakšno leto sem iskala tole Lego glavo saj se mi je zdela odlična škatla s katero lahko vnesemo nekaj igrivega v prostor odraslih in se s tem spomnimo na otroštvo. Na začetku je bilo res težko saj nisem vedela kje naj sploh začnem z iskanjem saj sem jo zasledila le na fotografijah na pinterestu. Pred tednom dni pa sem naključno izvedela da jih prodajajo v trgovini Room Copenhagen. Po nekaj mailih in brskanju po internetu sem ugotovila da jih prodajajo tudi pri nas v Sloveniji, vendar le preko spleta. Vsi tisti ki se boste odločili za nakup škatle povejte kam jo boste postavili in za kaj uporabili? Sama jo imam v dnevni na polici poleg knjig, služi pa za shranjevanje manjših pripomočkov ...

Tako upam da sem vas spomnila malo na vaše otroštvo in polepšala začetek novega tedna.

xo S.

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