salt & pepper.


Photos by: SAOSdesign

I really have to share this with you especially if you are looking for salt and pepper mill, I would have to recommend this Menu bottle grinder. I was searching on the internet where to buy and when I did it took some time to get them to Slovenia but it was worth a wait. At first I really like the way they look and how beautiful they would look on kitchen counter, but than I realized that there is more than just beauty to this mills. They are big enough so there is no need to fill them all the time. You can adjust the roughness of the salt and pepper by yourself. But the best and most important thing for me is that these don't leave the table dirty as the grinder is above and not against the table like most mills. Just perfect, beautiful and practical. 
If you don't like a combination of black & white they have it in shades of blue, green and soft pink too. 

xo S.

Res moram deliti tole z vami, še posebej s tistimi ki iščete mlinček za sol in poper. Resnično vam priporočam Menu bottle grinder. Sama sem iskala po internetu kje ju lahko kupim in ko sem našla je trajalo kar nekaj časa da sta prišla do mene, vendar se je splačalo počakati. Najprej mi je v oči padel seveda njun izgled in kako čudovito bosta izgledala na kuhinjskem pultu, potem pa sem ugotovila da imata poleg lepote tudi veliko uporabnih lastnosti. Velika sta ravno dovolj da ju ni potrebno nenehno polniti. Sami lahko namestimo velikost zdrobljenih zrn. Najboljše pri vsem tem pa je dejstvo da je mlinček na vrhu flaške in tako obrnjen stran od mize. Posledično miza ostane čista in ni umazana kot pri večini mlinčkov. Ravno pravšnja, lepa in uporabna.
Če vam kombinacija črno/belo ne leži imajo tudi kombinacije modre, zelene in nežno roza.

xo S.

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