
Photos: SAOSdesign

Yesterday the world saw a new H&M collection with guest designer Alexander Wang - ALEXANDER WANG x H&M. But I didn't have to tell you that because the whole world knows it. I have to tell you that until now I have never been to this kind of events, where only a few hundred designer pieces are send for whole Slovenia, but this time the collection convinced me. 
Since I first attended a ''run on the short course'' I knew what I wanted to buy, but of course everything can't be obtained in such a battle. But nevertheless I must emphasize that my first trophy was AW keyring and one hour later I got my hands on scuba sweatshirt (mens collection) which ended in my hands on almost too stylish way. How did you do? Have you attended the ''run'' and get your desired items?

Happy weekend!

Včeraj je svet ugledala nova kolekcija h&m z gostujočim oblikovalcem Alexandrom Wangom - ALEXANDER WANG x H&M. A tega mi ni potrebno poudarjati saj to ve ves svet. Moram povedati da me do sedaj nikoli ni vleklo v gnečo in prerivanje za tistih nekaj sto kosov, ki ji pošljejo v Slovenijo, a tokrat me je kolekcija Wanga prepričala. 
Ker sem se prvič udeležila ''teka na kratko progo'' sem vedela kaj želim kupiti, a seveda vsega ne moreš dobiti v taki bitki. Pa kljub vsemu moram poudariti da sem kot prvo trofejo dobila AW obesek za ključe in po eni uri tudi scuba pulover (moški del kolekcije) ki se je v mojih rokah pojavil na kar preveč eleganten način. Še danes ne dojemam kako mi je uspelo. Kako je šlo vam? Ste se udeležili ''teka'' in dobili željeno?

Lep konec tedna!
xo S. 

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