Ker nikoli nisem bila najbolj navdušena nad čokoladnimi tortami (čokolade ne jem če ni temna - vsaj 80%) se velikokrat preizkusim v morda malce nenavadnih kominacijah kot je sir-limona, avokado-temna čokolada itd. Danes sem se odločila, da predstavim korenčkovo torto, ki je sladka kljub temu, da je glavna sestavina zalenjava. Za izdelavo torte, ki bo nasitila 4 osebe je potrebno imeti: - 350 g korenja
- 300 g polnozrnate moke
- 300 ml rastlinskega olja
- 150 g sladkorja v prahu
- 150 g tekočega medu
- 150 g kremnega sira
- 4 jajca
- 1/2 žličke soli
- 1/2 žličke sode bikarbone
- praženi drobljeni lešnikiZa začetek je potrebno seveda namastiti in obložiti pekač za torto s peki papirjem. Nato jajca in sladkor skupaj vmešamo v penasto maso - približno 10 minut. Kasneje dodamo olje in mešamo še 2 minuti. Ko je osnova priravljena zmanjšamo hitrost mešanja na minimum in dodamo moko, sol in sodo bikarbono. Ko je masa zmešana nežno vmešamo še nastrgano korenje in celotno maso prelijemo v pekač. Pečemo v pečici na 180 stopinj od 45 do 50 minut. Ko je torta spečena vzamemo iz pečice in ohladimo. Malce ohlajeno torto nato previdno vzamemo iz pekača. Medtem v manjši kozici pogrejemo med, da postane tekoč. Torto z nožem gosto prebodemo in prelijemo z medom, a prihranimo nekaj žlic za konec. Kasneje ko torta vpije ves med in se ohladi jo namažemo s kremnim sirom, potresemo lešnike in prelijemo s preostalim medom. Za konec le še postrežemo in uživamo! Upam, da vam bo tako dobra kot je bila meni in mojim bližnjim. Za naslednjič pa lahko delim z vami recept osvežujočega limoninega chessecake-a. Ja ali ne? ________I have never been a big fan of chocolate cakes (don't really eat chocolate unless it's 80% dark), that's why I love to try a bit unusual flavour combinations like cheese-lemon, avocado-dark chocolate etc. For today I decided to share with you my carrot cake, which is sweet and little healthy at the same time. To bake the cake big enough for 4 persons you will need: - 350 g carrots
- 300 g full grain flour
- 300 ml vegetable oil
- 150 g icing sugar
- 150 g liquid honey
- 150 g cream cheese
- 4 eggs
- 1/2 of tee spoon salt
- 1/2 of tee spoon baking soda
- roasted broken hazelnutsTo begin with, it's necessary to grease the baking tray and coat with baking paper. Then stir eggs and sugar together into foam - about 10 minutes. Subsequently add the oil and stir for another 2 minutes. When the base is ready, mixing speed needs to go to minimum and add flour, salt and baking soda. When everything is mixed gently stir all the carrots into the base and pour the mix in the baking tray. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees from 45 to 50 minutes. Once baked the cake is removed from the oven and allowed to cool. After the cake is a bit cooled is carefully taken out of the tray. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan warm up honey. Pierce the cake with knife and pour honey over, but save a few tablespoons for the end finishes. Later, when the cake absorbs all the honey and cools, spread cream cheese over it, sprinkle with nuts and pour the rest of the honey. For the end serve and enjoy! Hope you'll like it as much as I did and all my loved ones. Next time I can share with you recipe of a refreshing lemon cheesecake. Yes or no?
xo S.
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