THE FINE STORE & studio.


Photos: SAOSdesign

And I'm back! Trip to the Netherlands was great I saw a lot of new stuff and beautiful of course. As usual, it was not enough time to see everything but among the flood of concept store's I found a gem. Why this store? I haven't seen it amongst other bloggers, it's really beautiful and in my opinion stands out of its surroundings. (: The name of the store couldn't be better ... The fine store. It was opened by the beginning of March 2014 and it's located in the city Den Haag or in english The Hague (Netherlands). In my opinion it is worth a trip to the coast to see it for your self. In addition the tram ride to coast takes only few minutes. (; Where do I even begin? A simple white box-room with a large window that contains all the warmth and beauty in itself, so that you wish to have every product they sell. Besides to all known brands such as &TraditionCereal magazineKristina Krogh etc. they also have products from not yet known designers that connect the store into whole. The store is awesome in terms of aesthetics, they have also created seeming spaces and that is why the store is so inviting and it's not possible to leave without purchasing something. The fine store is not just a store, but also a design studio where they offer design advices in particular they are oriented into Interior design ... dream job for me, only thing missing is bachelors degree. (: If the photos are not enough and you want your own experience just visit them.Happy Friday! xo S._____ Pa sem nazaj! Potovanje na Nizozemskem je bilo super videla sem veliko novega in seveda lepega, brez tega pri Nizozemcih ne gre. Kot ponavadi je bilo premalo časa da bi videla vse a sem med poplavo concept store-ov najdla biser. Zakaj prav ta trgovina? Nisem je še zasledila med blogerji, je res čudovita in po mojem mnenju tudi izstopa iz svoje okolice. (: Ime trgovine res nebi moglo biti boljše ... The fine store. Odprli so jo v začetku marca 2014 in se nahaja v mestu Den Haag ali po angleško The Hague (Nizozemska). Po mojem mnenju splača narediti izlet na obalo in si jo ogledati. Poleg tega pa je vožnja s tramvajem do obale vzame le nekaj minut. (; Kje naj sploh začnem? Preprost bel škatlast prostor z velikim oknom, ki vsebuje toliko topline in lepote v sebi, da si zaželiš imeti prav izdelek ki ga prodajajo. Poleg vsem znanim znamkam kot so &TraditionCereal magazineKristina Krogh itd. se med njimi najdejo tudi še ne poznani oblikovalci, ki trgovino povežejo v celoto. Trgovina je super z vidika estetike, prav tako imajo navidezno ustvarjene prostore in ravno zaradi tega po mojem mnenju trgovina kar vabi da si jo ogledamo, a brez nakupa seveda ne gre. The fine store pa ni le trgovina, ampak tudi studio kjer nudijo oblikovalske nasvete, predvsem pa so orientirani na notranjo opremo....sanjska služba zame le še diploma mi manjka. (: Če vam fotografije niso dovolj in želite lastno izkušnjo jih preprosto obiščite.Vesel petek! xo S.

2 komentarji:

  1. Replies
    1. Se splača it pogledat ker dopolnjujejo svojo izbiro izdelkov, trenutno so dobili čudovite okvirje Moebe. (;



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