

Photos by: SAOSdesign

It's been almost two years since I bought my first trophy among designer chairs + it's slovene! For all you guys who do not know it yet, this is chair REX. I've been waiting for it for a whole year but it was worth it. Comfortable, beautiful and above all useful in everyday life. In this rainy days it's the best friend possible, while reading a really good book or magazine Ambient. I hope that I'm not the only one who appreciates good design that makes your life easier, even just for a 5 minutes.

Have a nice and comfy weekend!


Minili sta skoraj dve leti odkar sem kupila prvo trofejo med dizajnerskimi stoli pa še sloveniski je! Za vse tiste ki ga še ne poznate je to stol REX. Nanj sem čakala celo leto a se je splačalo. Udoben, lep in nadvse uporaben vsakodnevno. V deževnih dneh je še kako dober prijatelj ob branju dobre knjige ali revije Ambient. Upam da nisem edina ki ceni dober dizajn, ki olajša vsakodnevno življenje, pa če tudi samo za 5 minut.

Lep & udoben vikend vsem!


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