anemi hotel.


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Looks like the weather is showing the end of the summer but I'm still not ready for fall. And on today's rainy day I found a perfect room / suites in the Anemi hotel which is in two storeys on the Greek island of Folegandros. Buildings of the hotel are beautiful Greek lines in white. The rooms are equipped with furniture by Charles & Ray Eames, Vitra and B & B Italia, which were chosen by designer Stavros Papagiannis to create a modern version of the all so well known Greek combination of white and blue.
Each room is individually designed, with photographs of Folegandros everyday life on the headboard. The color palette of both private and public spaces is white on white with color accents of blue, such as pieces of furniture by renowned designers and carpets made ​​in east coast of the island. For all those who would be happy to spend their holiday next year on a remote island, a night costs € 162, quite a lot but it's worthy.

Until next time.


Kot kaže vreme je poletja konec vendar jaz še nisem pripravljena na jesen. In na današnji deževen dan sem našla popolne sobe/apartmaje v dvonadstropnem hotelu Anemi na grškem otoku Folegandros. Zgradbe hotela so čudovitih grških linij v beli barvi. Same sobe so opremljene s pohištvom Charles & Ray Eames, Vitra in B & B Italia, katerega je izbral oblikovalec Stavros Papagiannis in tako ustvaril moderno verzijo vsem tako poznane grške kombinacije bele in modre.
Vsaka soba je zasnovana individualno, s fotografijami vsakdanjega Folegandrosa na vzglavjih postelj. Barvna paleta tako zasebnih kot javnih prostorov je bela na belo z barvnimi poudarki modre, kot so kosi pohištva priznanih oblikovalcev in preproge izdelane na vzhodni obali otoka. Za vse, ki bi z veseljem počitnikovali naslednje leto na oddaljenem otoku nočitev stane 162€, veliko vendar se splača. 

Do naslednjič.


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